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Friday, October 30, 2009

Judge David O. Carter betrays the Nation!

Added Judge Carter’s 30 page report for dismissal at the end of the article
With thanks to James

The Post & Email published

by John Charlton

(Oct. 29, 2009) — In a ruling that has stunned none but those who love this Nation, Judge David O. Carter has granted the Motion to Dismiss presented by the Department of Justice, in the case Captain Pamela Barnett et al. vs. Obama et al..

The case involved the massive election fraud which occurred in 2008 General Election, when Barack Hussein Obama, though not an eligible candidate, was admitted to the ballot in California, and thus harmed and disadvantaged candidates running on third-party tickets, such as Wiley S. Drake, Alan Keyes, Gail Lightfoot, and Markham Robinson.

The ridiculous ruling was characterized by Dr. Orly Taitz, lead counsel for the Plaintiffs as something “written by the Defense,” according to the World Net Daily report.

The Post & Email will highlight the most vicious and erroneous statements in the ruling.


What Judge Carter did was not only deny justice, he viciously insulted and baited patriotic Military personnel everywhere, by his outrageous statement regarding the military plaintiff, Jason Freese in the case:

This Court will not interfere in internal military affairs nor be used as a tool by military officers to avoid deployment. The Court has a word for such a refusal to follow the orders of the President of the United States, but it will leave the issue to the military to resolve.

Just prior to this outrageous insult, the Carter shows himself to be a true supporter of dictatorship over law, when he claims that U.S. Military must serve even if their chief commander has no lawful authority to command them:

Furthermore, Lieutenant Freese’s claims are based upon the notion that his duty to serve is based upon who is in office. The duty to defend is not dependent upon a political or personal view regarding the individual who serves as President and Commander-in-Chief. It is an unequivocal duty to defend our country.

He then ridiculously claims that those who participate in the reception of funds taken unlawfully from the national treasury are not capable of being found guilty of crime, so long as they claim a reasonable doubt as to the legitimacy of the theft. For a Judge famed for his opposition to Mexican Mafia, he seems to have entire support for the Chicago Mob. Isn’t that a racist attitude, from the liberal point of view?

Carter’s laughable ruling also claims that you have a duty to pay taxes to the IRS, but you have no rights to ask whether the President who signs the spending bills for those taxes is legitimate: or in other words, you are a feudal serf, and must pay no matter how illegitimate or corrupt the Federal Government becomes, because, in the Judge’s words, the Supreme Court says so!

Then, while Carter begrudgingly admits that third-party candidate suffered injury by being opposed by a potential ineligible candidate, he finds that his court cannot remedy the crime, and therefore he will not take action on the complaint! His argument ignores completely the question of eligibility of office, and presumes the fact that Obama is eligible, contrary to the fact of the case! He even implies that Congress can change the definition of what a Natural Born Citizen is, by its choice of a presidential candidate in Joint Session!

On quo warrento, Carter makes the bold face lie of claiming the D.C. code gives exclusive jurisdiction over quo warrento proceedings regarding the President to the D.C. courts!

Carter closes by personally attacking Dr. Orly Taitz

Finally, if there is anyone who thought that Judge Carter was impartial, his closing remarks, in which he devotes a very long paragraph insulting Dr. Orly Taitz should be read in full:

The hearings have been interesting to say the least. Plaintiffs’ arguments through Taitz have generally failed to aid the Court. Instead, Plaintiffs’ counsel has favored rhetoric seeking to arouse the emotions and prejudices of her followers rather than the language of a lawyer seeking to present arguments through cogent legal reasoning.

Imagine that! Taitz’s supporters are “followers” and “prejudiced”! My my, what bigots we patriots are!

Judge Carter continues his diatribe thus:

While the Court has no desire to chill Plaintiffs’ enthusiastic presentation, Taitz’s argument often hampered the efforts of her cocounsel (sic) Gary Kreep (“Kreep”), counsel for Plaintiffs Drake and Robinson, to bring serious issues before the Court

Any objective listener will remember, however, that it was Attorney Kreep who often criticized Taitz’s arguments in court, and not the other way around.

The Court has attempted to give Plaintiffs a voice and a chance to be heard by respecting their choice of counsel and by making every effort to discern the legal arguments of Plaintiffs’ counsel amongst the rhetoric. This Court exercised extreme patience when Taitz endangered this case being heard at all by failing to properly file and serve the complaint upon Defendants and held multiple hearings to ensure that the case would not be dismissed on the technicality of failure to effect service.

While the original complaint in this matter was filed on January 20, 2009, Defendants were not properly served until August 25, 2009. Taitz successfully served Defendants only after the Court intervened on several occasions and requested that defense counsel make significant accommodations for her to effect service.

Imagine that! When Obama and his lawyers pretended not to receive service, it is Taitz who is at fault!

Carter descends further into the house of the mad, when he writes:

Taitz also continually refused to comply with court rules and procedure. Taitz even asked this Court to recuse Magistrate Judge Arthur Nakazato on the basis that he required her to comply with the Local Rules. See Order Denying Pls.’ Mot. For Modification of Mag. J. Nakazato’s Aug. 6, 2009, Order; Denying Pls.’ Mot. to Recuse Mag. J. Nakazato; and Granting Ex Parte App. for Order Vacating Voluntary Dismissal (Sep. 8, 2009).

Taitz also attempted to dismiss two of her clients against their wishes because she did not want to work with their new counsel. See id.

Then Judge Carter gives a tantrum, because citizens wrote him letters encouraging him to be a patriot — clearly an offense that this usurper supporter will not pardon!

Taitz encouraged her supporters to contact this Court, both via letters and phone calls. It was improper and unethical for her as an attorney to encourage her supporters to attempt to influence this Court’s decision. Despite these attempts to manipulate this Court, the Court has not considered any outside pleas to influence the Court’s decision.

Then Judge Carter defames Attorney Taitz:

Additionally, the Court has received several sworn affidavits that Taitz asked potential witnesses that she planned to call before this Court to perjure themselves. This Court is deeply concerned that Taitz may have suborned perjury through witnesses she intended to bring before this Court.

While the Court seeks to ensure that all interested parties have had the opportunity to be heard, the Court cannot condone the conduct of Plaintiffs’ counsel in her efforts to influence this Court.

If Carter — he obviously does not deserve the title of “Judge” — showed his ethics by hiring Siddhart Velarmoor as law clerk, it is clear tha he has shown himself a traitor to the Nation, by his ruling in Barnett vs. Obama.

Finally, Carter closes with the most exquisite piece of pharisaical self-defense in the history of the American judiciary:

Respecting the constitutional role and jurisdiction of this Court is not unpatriotic. Quite the contrary, this Court considers commitment to that constitutional role to be the ultimate reflection of patriotism.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Obama... taking control of America

The Obama File

Thomas Sowell says that just one year ago, would you have believed that an unelected government official, not even a Cabinet member confirmed by the Senate but simply one of the many “czars” appointed by Obama, could arbitrarily cut the pay of executives in private businesses by 50 percent or 90 percent?

Did you think that another “czar” would be talking about restricting talk radio? That there would be plans afloat to subsidize newspapers — that is, to create a situation where some newspapers’ survival would depend on the government liking what they publish?

Did you imagine that anyone would even be talking about having a panel of so-called “experts” deciding who could and could not get lifesaving medical treatments?

Scary as that is from a medical standpoint, it is also chilling from the standpoint of freedom. If you have a mother who needs a heart operation or a child with some dire medical condition, how free would you feel to speak out against an administration that has the power to make life and death decisions about your loved ones?

Does any of this sound like America?

How about a federal agency giving school children material to enlist them on the side of Obama? Merely being assigned to sing his praises in class is apparently not enough.

How much of America would be left if the federal government continued on this path? Obama has already floated the idea of a national police force, something we have done without for more than two centuries.

We already have local police forces all across the country and military forces for national defense, as well as the FBI for federal crimes and the National Guard for local emergencies. What would be the role of a national police force created by Barack Obama, with all its leaders appointed by him? It would seem more like the brown shirts of dictators than like anything American.

How far Obama will go depends of course on how much resistance he meets. But the direction in which he is trying to go tells us more than all his rhetoric or media spin.

Barack Obama has not only said that he is out to “change the United States of America,” the people he has been associated with for years have expressed in words and deeds their hostility to the values, the principles and the people of this country.

Jeremiah Wright said it with words: “God damn America!” Bill Ayers said it with bombs that he planted. Community activist goons have said it with their contempt for the rights of other people.

Among the people appointed as czars by Obama have been people who have praised enemy dictators like Mao, who have seen the public schools as places to promote sexual practices contrary to the values of most Americans, to a captive audience of children.

Those who say that the Obama administration should have investigated those people more thoroughly before appointing them are missing the point completely. Why should we assume that Barack Obama didn’t know what such people were like, when he has been associating with precisely these kinds of people for decades before he reached the White House?

Nothing is more consistent with his lifelong patterns than putting such people in government — people who reject American values, resent Americans in general and successful Americans in particular, as well as resenting America’s influence in the world.

Any miscalculation on his part would be in not thinking that others would discover what these stealth appointees were like. Had it not been for the Fox News Channel, these stealth appointees might have remained unexposed for what they are. Fox News is now high on the administration’s enemies list.

Nothing so epitomizes Obama’s own contempt for American values and traditions like trying to ram two bills through Congress in his first year — each bill more than a thousand pages long — too fast for either of them to be read, much less discussed. That he succeeded only the first time says that some people are starting to wake up. Whether enough people will wake up in time to keep America from being dismantled, piece by piece, is another question — and the biggest question for this generation.

by John Charlton

Yesterday the U.S. Senate voted 68-29 to pass the Paedophile Protection Act, a radical bill to strip Christians and other decent folk of the right to call immorality,” immoral.”

The notorious act is part of the President’s agenda to strip the Nation of pro-morality legislation such as the Marriage Protection Act, and the “Do not ask, do not tell” policy of the U.S. Armed forces.

The terminus of a process of political harassment which began with the Main Stream Media’s insistence not to call a spade, a spade.

It has long been reported that one of the objectives of Communist infiltration in this country was the spread of bad morals through the press. Key communists were charged with recruiting sodomites not only into the schools of law, but especially into the schools of journalism; this process has achieved such an erosion of normality in public discourse that news sources, like the one liked to above, lauds the action of the Democratic Supermajority as “ground breaking”.

In the world of normality, it is “foundation-breaking” not “ground-breaking”; you “break ground” when you prepare to build up something; this legislation is all about tearing down the traditions of Christianity in this country.

As such it is an attack on the National Security, on National History, on the National Culture. And those who voted for it are traitors to the Nation.

But to attach it to a bill for Military Spending — how despicably low can you go?

The political establishment is — let us face it — morally bankrupt.

That is why they see nothing wrong in bankrupting the Nation economically or morally.

But, to put a finer point on the matter: what we see happening in this agenda of Obama and his sycophants is what I would call a Fraud Merry-go-round.

That is, it is a process in which vanity turns presumption round and round ever faster, with ever lessening attention to the surrounding reality.

The Entire Nation cannot take this standing down: there must be an organized effort to resist this manifestly unjust and unlawful bill, even if the Usurper puts pen and ink to it.

Because the bill is illegal, even if it were signed by the most respectable and legitimate of Presidents — which obviously is not the case here!

The Weimar Republic of Germany fell into a diabolical hole of iniquity simply because citizens followed unjust laws.

As God-fearing folk our duty is to follow just laws and to disobey unjust laws.

Nothing else will save the Nation, at this point.

But even Adolf Hitler for all his depravity never fell as low as Obama and the Democratic Party; for they are legislating against Nature Herself.

Part and parcel of the double-speak associated with the Paedophile Protection Act is its name “The Matthew Shepherd Bill.” The facts of history are that Shepherd was robbed, he was not a victim of a hate crime; in fact one of the perpetrators was a sexual deviant himself.

That same week that Shepherd met his tragic death, the Main Stream Media censored a more violent crime, that of an Arkansas boy who was repeated raped for hours on end by two sodomites who had kidnapped him; with the ultimate result of his brutal death.

Never heard about that one, did you?

We have entered the final phase of the Kulturkampf or Cultural War in America: the Barbarians are no longer at the Gates, they have ascended by force of fraud to the citadels of power and are dictating “laws” to us from that height.

I for one say: “Dictate all you like: yours is a Fraud Merry-go-round and nothing you sign into law obliges me before God or men!”

Do your worst, o King of Frauds!

Obama is without doubt an anti-Christ, at war with Nature Herself as well as with Jesus Christ. Since our Founding Fathers established this nation upon the Laws of Nature; the Usurper has only give greater reason and motive for the forces of nature to rise up against him and his coterie of criminals.

If he thinks that the Almighty does not look down and see, he is going to be in for one horrible surprise on the Day of Judgement.

Dictator Obama and reaching the point of no return


By Sher Zieve

As very few of our Congressional elected officials — Democrats AND Republicans — are taking any actions or exhibiting any desire to stop the Obama Dictatorship and We-the-People are now being completely left out of any and all legislation that directly affects us, I can only surmise that we as the Nation of the United states of America may have reached the point of no return in our rapidly forced descent into totalitarianism.

From the anti-American and anti-human recently-passed Congressional bills, I have also concluded that — as these self-same elected officials no longer care what their constituents think — our attempts to stop the insanity of government officials summarily stripping us of our own money and our Constitutionally guaranteed liberties via peaceful means may have now come to an end. They haven’t worked. In actuality, even our September 1.7 millions-person-march on Washington D.C. in opposition to ObamaCare and Cap and Tax barely elicited yawns from both the Executive and Legislative branches of government — the ones the American people elected to office in the first place. Instead, delivering yet another slap to the faces of the American people, Obama skipped town that day to be fawned over by a hand-picked crowd of his supporters in Minnesota.

How did this dismantling occur? The beginnings of the Progressive/Communist/Marxist movement began in the US — in earnest — under Democrat President Woodrow Wilson and was expanded in the 1920’s by ACLU founder Roger Nash Baldwin. There are many books and articles written about Baldwin — I’ve written a few also — so if you wish to research his or Wilson’s progressive and pro-communist backgrounds I encourage you to do so. In this column, however, I will concentrate on more recent events leading to our demise.

The Beginnings of Recent Leftist Democrat Destructions

Established in 1977 under then leftist President Jimmy Carter, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was enacted to force banking institutions to provide loans to low income people — many of whom could not or simply did not pay the loans back. As well as being used as a liberal/leftist slush fund, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were utilized to finance the mortgages of low-income individuals who could not qualify to purchase a home under traditional 30-year fixed financing. So, ARMs (adjustable rate mortgages) were given to the unqualified buyer. Beginning with extremely low mortgage payments, the unqualified-under-any-sane-circumstances buyer “bought” his or her home. The problem — just as if it had been planned — came when the mortgage rates increased, balloon payments came due and the ARM buyers paycheck didn’t increase at the same rate as his mortgage payments did. The marginal buyers were in trouble and, then, so was the economy.

The Leftists’ intermediary move to better Ensure the Deal?

To top that off, on 15 September 2008 — under two months prior to the US Presidential and General elections — a coordinated and as yet “culprits-unnamed” draw-down on money market accounts to the tune of $550Billions in under 2 hours (a run on the banks) was announced by the Federal Reserve. It quickly pumped $120Billions into the system, temporarily shut down the Reserve and announced if it had not done so, by 3:00 p.m. that same day $5.5Trillions would have been lost by the USA alone and the world economic system would have crashed and burned.

Hmmm. Was this run on the banks and potential destruction of the economic system a way to better ensure Obama would be installed as POTUS? I don’t know but, it was certainly highly “coincidental” wasn’t it? This bank-run caused President Bush — under the prodding of the Democrat-run Congress — to call for TARP or “Troubled Asset Relief Program” to be instituted. Note: It appears that the economy was doing too well for the Left to take any more chances that their Marxist candidate wouldn’t win. So…the run on the banks was necessary. What a movie this will make. But, who will play Obama? Will Obama soon control the film industry — at least the small portion he doesn’t currently dominate?

Change You Can Believe in but, Are Not Allowed to Know

The US POTUS Candidate (who may or may not be a US citizen — “Don’t ask don’t tell” is Obama’s motto on his birth certificate issue) Barack Hussein Obama was chosen by US and World leftists as their representative to employ and conduct the fast, furious and final disintegration and desolation of the United States of America. And, Obama is conducting a brilliant campaign of doing so. In just a few short months Obama has brought the USA to its knees and terrorists everywhere to wild and unbridled applause. In just 9 months, Obama and his minions (including his Uber-Marxist Czars) has stolen more money (and continues to do so) from We-the-People than all other POTUS’ in history — combined. And he is redistributing it to his cronies and countries of choice — with a few bucks trickled down to the voting poor. Obama has vowed to shove his Cap and Tax and government-run ObamaCare down the throats of the American people. This is despite the facts that consistently the American people have polled in large majority against Cap and Trade (which will cause an energy-cost increase of between $2,000-4,000/year per family and eliminate millions more jobs), 80-85% of the American people polled have said they like their current healthcare insurance plans and do NOT want government-controlled healthcare (aka “public option”). Change has come folks. But, it no longer seems to be the change that those who voted for Obama thought it would include. And all of their “change” is now happening behind closed Democrat doors. We-the-People are neither invited to participate in our country’s business nor to make any more decisions regarding it. Our rulers have spoken — loudly.

The Real Mission of the World’s Left

In virtually everything they say and do, Obama, the US House of Representatives and the US Senate have made it crystal clear that they do not care what We-the-People want. They are now talking only amongst themselves and taking only their own counsel. They want control OVER us — purely and simply. And they’re gaining more and more of it each and every day. Cap and Trade (now called the “Climate Bill”) will not help the climate. But, it will take more of the people’s assets and give them to the UN. Did you know that Obama is planning to cede what’s remaining of US sovereignty in December at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen? See the video and article below. If they don’t send chills down your spine nothing will. The signing this treaty will place the United Nations in charge of US energy policy. Did you know that? And leftist Democrats are now openly running as Republicans. One prime example is that of New York’s 23rd District Dierdre Scozzafava. Scozzafava is pro-abortion, pro-big labor, votes to raise taxes and is supported by leftist groups including the Working Families Party, which calls itself “New York’s liveliest and most progressive political party.” Although the real conservative running in this race is Doug Hoffman. To add insult to injury, Newt Gingrich is supporting the radical Scozzafava. Note: More suspicions confirmed about Newt?


The poorer and less educated countries becomes, the easier it is to control both said countries and their populations. And, with regards to ObamaCare, the fewer people in a country — the easier it is to control. Marxism is a feudal system, which incorporates the elite ruling class at the top and the soon-to-be-poor workers (aka proletariat) at the bottom working for the elites. The proletariat have nothing except that which their totalitarian government decides to “bestow” upon them. And the bestowing is not, by any stretch of the imagination, equal.

And from the 1963 Communist Goals for the USA (it took awhile but, Obama is now driving them through) are a few of the tactics used. The complete list can be accessed via the URL below:

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture — education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

Sound familiar? It should. It’s what the leftist Congress and Dictator-in-Chief have been using as one of their guidelines since they were elected. And the endgame? It’s to control who can be controlled and terminate those who refuse. Simple process and to the point…don’t you think?

Assistant Attorney General Tells Senate: Terrorists Captured on Battlefield Have Constitutional Rights:

March on DC: Obama Leaves Town:

Community Reinvestment Act:

$550 Billion Disappeared in “Electronic Run On the Banks:

Cap and trade bill raises rates/puts million of jobs at risk:

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty:

Record proves Scozzafava’s a liberal:

Communist Goals for the USA:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kerchner on Simandle’s Ruling

Sir you are so right. May God Bless You

The Post & Email published:

by John Charlton

(Oct. 21, 2009) — Moments ago, Commander Charles F. Kerchner, U.S. Naval Reserve (Ret.) issued the following statement in response to Judge Jerome B. Simandle’s dismissal of his case:

The monarchy/federal government has now spoken, with the complicity of the Main Stream Media and the major political parties and their respective party leaders — but especially the Progressive Caucus members of the DNC and their cohorts and sycophants and other Marxist supporters of Obama — has now placed “We the People” in the proverbial Catch 22 position.

Congress told the People it was up to the Courts. Now the Federal Court system which is supposed to be the guardian of the Constitution tells the We the People it is up to the Congress. And even worse, the federal court in my case just told the People that as long as the Congress and the Executive Branch usurp and ignore the Constitution in such a way as to injure all Citizens and everyone in this nation equally, it is quite OK with them and they will not intervene to protect the Constitution or We the People.

What a disgraceful point of view and decision!

What’s next, for Obama or the DNC-led Congress to usurp the 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment rights of We the People? and then the Courts will tell us that we were all injured equally so we have no standing to redress it and we lose our freedom of speech and our right to bear arms?

This is unbearable to hear these words from the court. As the arguably greatest U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall’s word said in the past, to not hear these constitutional questions is treason to the Constitution.

We need to throw everyone in the Congress out in 2010 who is enabling this travesty to continue. And as to the Main Stream Media and the Courts, they should be ashamed of themselves for what they are doing to this our Constitutional Republic and nation.

We’ve lost a skirmish or battle. Now on with the war in the higher courts! We are absolutely going to appeal this disgraceful and cowardly decision by our federal trial court in NJ.

Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.

Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress

Federal Court requested to investigate AP Story

The Post & Email published

by John Charlton

(Oct. 25, 2009) — Eleven days ago The Post & Email published its story about the East African Standard report in 2004 naming Obama “Kenyan-born” — AP declares Obama “Kenyan-Born”! —; while this story had been reported elsewhere on the net in the previous 12 hours or so, The Post & Email was one of the first to attribute it to the Associated Press, on the basis of the “AP” logo attached to the report by that paper. The story took off and ended up being discussed on the Imus Show. As the writing of this report, more than 27,000 individuals have viewed our coverage, making the single most read article of our site, all-time, and each day.

Since the report was published, no credible denials of it have been published anywhere.

For this reason it remains convincing, if but hearsay evidence, that the Obama Campaign was painting a different picture of their candidate during the last 5 years.

Now Attorney Orly Taitz, esq., lead counsel for the Plaintiffs in Barnett vs. Obama (a case suing Barack Obama and others, in Federal Court, Santa Ana, California), has asked Judge David O. Carter to take judicial notice of the article.

In her request, Dr. Taitz makes the following presentation:

Come now the Plaintiffs with this Request for Judicial Notice of 2004 AP Newswire, embodied and included in the Kenyan publication attached as Exhibit A.

Although the contents of this document are self explanatory, this document is classic hearsay: an unsworn out of court statement to be submitted for the truth of the matters stated therein. Moreover, it is unauthenticated, but is allegedly derived from a well-known and highly respected news wire service, namely the Associated Press.

If it were possible to authenticate the source for this information, and/or to trace, locate, and depose the authors and informants, and also to track the subsequent changes in the “story” as told over the newswires over the following four years, the Plaintiffs submit that they would obtain additional and important, and very solid, grounds for outlining the contours of a Complaint for Civil Racketeering (18 U.S.C. §1964(c)) concerning the 2008 Presidential elections, involving a massive scheme to defraud using the postal (document delivery) and electronic wire services for the purpose of depriving the American People of their intangible right to honest services.

Then Attorney Taitz reminded the Court that it has allowed limited discovery regarding evidentiary issues which might bear upon the Court’s decision regarding whether to grant or not to grant the Motion to Dismiss the case, presented by Obama’s lawyers, when Judge Carter ruled:

All discovery herein shall be stayed pending resolution of Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss, except for any discovery as to which Plaintiffs can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of Magistrate Judge Nakazato, is necessary for the purpose of opposing the Motion to Dismiss.

For this purpose, and to prepare a Second Amended Complaint, Dr. Taitz argues for permission to undertake discovery of whether the AP did report this “Kenyan-born” attribution, and to depose the reporters who wrote it:

Plaintiffs submit that they need to conduct limited discovery for the purpose of preparing this Second Amended Complaint (to flesh out more fully the extent of the fraud and accordingly solidify with evidence allegations necessary to establish Civil R.I.C.O. standing). They accordingly ask the Court, in addition to taking judicial notice of the A.P. Wire bulletin attached as Exhibit A, to allow the following discovery to take place, addressed to a non-party, non-governmental source:

A deposition duces tecum on 15 days notice (rather than 30) of the custodian of records and archives at “the world’s oldest and largest newsgathering organization:”

The Associated Press

Headquarters: 450 W. 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001.

Taitz then argues that such a request is not burdensome:

There can be no doubt that the information to be retrieved is relevant to framing the Plaintiffs’ proposed Second Amended Complaint. There can be no objection that this deposition will impose too great a burden on the Defendants because it is not addressed to them. There can be no objection that the examination of the history of reporting concerning the history of reportage concerning the national origins, birthplace, citizenship, and life history of the President of the United States world’s oldest and largest newsgathering organization will impose any undue burdens on the Defendants, or on the Associated Press as a deponent.

Such an investigation of the Associated Press Headquarters would undoubtedly cause a national sensation; and hopefully shed light on what the Obama Campaign has been claiming regarding their “man in the Whitehouse.”

The Post & Email has prepared this report from an original copy of the Request for Judicial Notice provided by the office of the Plaintiff’s counsel. It should appear shortly in the docket of the case.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Leo Donofrio: Moving Forward…

Leo Donofrio published:

I am speaking with various parties who I may provide legal counsel to in the near future. This will require a period of silence from me. The time for legal talk is now over. The time for legal action has begun. Talk is cheap. I’m tired of it. Either litigation will commence or you won’t hear from me again via this blog.

This blog contains all the tools necessary for people to gain access to information from Hawaii. The UIPA is a very good law providing standing and expedited calendar service to “any person”. Study that law and use it. Request the media and legislature use it as well. They won’t. You know that. But put it in their face anyway.

I will report back here when I have something of significance to say regarding litigation.

For now, I will leave you with one salient point made by the DOJ in the hearing before Judge Carter:

“It’s the way the founding fathers intended.”

Page 15 of the transcript.

Since the DOJ is stipulating that the intention of the founding fathers is the proper guideline for this issue, then we ought to hold them to that position all the way down the line. The definition of “natural born citizen” as understood by the founding fathers is certainly the only definition which is legal under Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5. Barney Frank can’t change that and neither can law professors like Tribe and Dershowitz, etc.

As the DOJ has correctly indicated, the only definition of natural born citizen that matters is the one held by the founding fathers.

And that’s why everyone needs to read pages 43-44 of the transcript where Judge Carter indicates that even if Obama were born in Kenya, the Judge would not be comfortable in holding that Obama was not eligible to be POTUS.

Somebody needs to tell this Judge that the law in the US at the time of Obama’s birth stated quite clearly that Obama would not have qualified for US citizenship in 1961 if born in Kenya to Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama Sr. That’s very clear according federal law in 1961. If he wasn’t a citizen, how could he be a “natural born citizen”?

So, if you think Judge Carter is going to decide the British birth issue in favor of holding Obama ineligible if born in Hawaii, then you are really kidding yourselves. This case has no chance at all.

I don’t believe Obama was born in Kenya. I believe he was born in Hawaii. But I also believe that the state of Hawaii has been playing fast and loose with their own public disclosure laws and that they should not be trusted, especially since they haven’t been put under oath.

I also don’t believe it would have mattered to the founding fathers if Obama was born in Hawaii since he was a British citizen at birth, and the founding fathers had just fought a bloody war to rid themselves of British influence. To assume they would have allowed a British citizen at birth to become Commander In Chief of the US armed forces is to disgrace the blood of the patriots who earned this nation’s freedoms and liberties by their very lives.

For all intents and purposes, the “natural born citizen” safeguard given to this nation by the founding fathers is dead. And the entire Constitution is also dying by a cancer attacking all organs. It will only survive a certain death by miracle. Pray for such a miracle. It is truly your only hope.

Leo Donofrio

Socialists have declared jihad on our economic prosperity, US dollar, Constitution, Sovereignty - Thanks tpgow

Canada Free Press published

This Isn’t Change, It’s Treason
By Jayme Evans Monday, October 19, 2009

There used to be a time in this country, not that long ago, when, despite our religious, cultural and societal differences, there were at least a few basic tenets upon which we, as Americans, could all agree. We could locate our borders, we spoke a common language and shared a common understanding of our Founders and constitutionalism.

There was no confusion over what constituted acts of heroism and patriotism. Conversely, we also understood and clearly recognized, evil, greed, treason and hypocrisy.

But, alas, the beloved country that was so united in my youth has become a cesspool of unabated and accelerating filth, selfishness, decadence and immorality. The scoundrels that supposedly represent us don’t even have the decency to tell us the truth, read the laws they use to enslave us or listen to our objections.

Some, including myself, have described what Obama and his Socialists are up to as a bloodless coup. But, after further evaluation of what’s really going on behind the scenes in Washington, I have come to an even more alarming conclusion: What they are doing is committing legislative jihad.

Socialists have declared jihad on our economic prosperity

The stinkulus was a failure: The jobs it did create came at astronomical cost or simply grew the bureaucracy. Government now controls major players in several sectors of the economy with no signs of easing that control. Government spending now comprises alarming percentages of our Gross Domestic Product. We’ve ran out of money, we’ve essentially accumulated over 100 trillion dollars in unfunded future entitlements, foreclosures have accelerated and we continue to bleed jobs. Add to the mix, health care, one sixth of the entire US economy, and it doesn’t take an economist to see where Democrats are taking us.

Socialists have declared jihad on the US dollar

They have printed or borrowed their way into such a deep hole, and have devalued our currency to such an extent, that other countries are now worried about our economic sustainability and have quietly called for oil to be traded in other currencies. Obama’s redistributionist policies increase the danger. The more dollars we simply pump into circulation out of thin air to give to the less fortunate in the form of subsidies, $250.00 stimulus checks, credits for homes, vehicles or appliances, the further our purchasing power erodes. And, the further they drive us into insolvency, the louder they carp for additional spending. If Barack Obama doesn’t stop spending, the dollars in your wallets, purses and bank accounts will be worth less than the ink used to print them.

Socialists have declared jihad on the Constitution and attack on several fronts

Barack Obama still fights the release of any personal information, despite increasing questions over a possible foreign birth and his media lackeys continue to bury the controversy and scrub references to it from websites. The TARP program was unconstitutional, as was directing TARP funds to auto companies, allowing both Congress and their union lapdogs to bail out their pension funds, while the Supreme Court took a nap. I also question the constitutionality of compulsory health care. This would be the first time in US history, that Americans would be forced to purchase something.

In a Nixonian twist, Socialists have declared jihad on the First Amendment rights of Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and many other Americans in feeble attempts to silence them. They illegally collected the email addresses and illegally accessed the records of private citizens in an attempt to intimidate them. Like impudent little children, they’ve blurred the distinction between hard news and opinion. They refuse to engage skeptics on Fox, which only deepens resentment, wastes an opportunity and hurts their cause. Silencing the opposition is Stalinist. It is un-American. It won’t work, it could result in civil rights litigation and will only rally support for the opposition.

The Socialists have declared jihad on our sovereignty

They’ve declared their intent at Amnesty for a deluge of illegal aliens as soon as the other dozen or so manufactured crises ease a bit. Obama also narcissistically accepted what is now an irrelevant piece of European attic trash, the Nobel Peace Prize, despite his own admission he didn’t deserve it. Obama has also continued to denigrate us internationally, apologizing and capitulating to Russia, China, the UN and other European snobocracies. At the same time, he has openly snubbed some of our most steadfast allies, Canada, Israel, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the CIA

They continue to weaken, hamper and demoralize our clandestine services through power grabs, investigations and threats of public disclosure, which would actually put covert agents in danger.

The Socialists have declared jihad on Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and state’s rights by trying to strip him of his power to enforce the law within his own jurisdiction because they don’t like his no nonsense style.

The Socialists have declared jihad on insurance companies

Despite the mountain of BS they’ve built over the practical effects of their “reforms”, an objective observer can only conclude that the private insurance market will be destroyed and government will then step in and take control. Claims of the Baucus’ Bill’s “deficit neutrality”, which used only one year’s worth of calculations, were complete lies, yet paved the way for a vote that ultimately advanced this garbage.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the Middle Class

Health care reform won’t cover “everyone”, deficit neutrality is a smokescreen and your premiums and taxes must skyrocket to pay for it. Why would government need to subsidize health care for those earning over $50,000.00 per annum? Because those people are going to need it. Cap and Trade is a tax on your very existence and will further kill jobs, raise taxes, destroy small businesses and hike the production costs of virtually everything in existence.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the truth

They’ve promised sunlight. They’ve promised ethics. They’ve promised transparency. They’ve promised to post legislative text and give us time to review it. They’ve delivered squat. Obama fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin for allegedly getting too close to the truth and then his minions painted Walpin as senile. His lapdogs in government, media and academia bury everything negative, scrub websites of damaging info, put impostors in lab coats for press conferences, indoctrinate children and they’ve openly admitted they don’t even read the legislation they oppress us with. They draft 1,000 page bills they themselves can’t even understand. And, sadly, Barack Obama isn’t even man enough to take responsibility for his own actions, still blaming the previous administration for his job-killing agenda and every other problem he faces. Perhaps we should begin reversing every one of Obama’s Executive Orders, scrutinize his every decision and investigate his Attorney General and his three dozen Czars the moment he leaves office? That seems to be the precedent he wants to set with this chicanery.

The Socialists have declared jihad on the US. military

They tried but failed to force a premature withdrawal in Iraq and they’re attempting, and may succeed in doing the same thing in Afghanistan. While they dither, US combat forces continue to die in unacceptable numbers and treasonous snakes in Congress divert money meant for ammunition and spare parts to a library for one of the nation’s most divisive dead senators and other pet pork projects. Eventually, if allowed, Democrats will force open homosexuality on the military, affecting readiness, destroying unit cohesion and morale and causing a mass exodus.

The Socialists have declared jihad on race relations

Who can forget Obama’s ignorant, irresponsible and utterly wrong comments about the infamous Gates/Crowley affair? Criticizing this Socialist muckraker for anything, even policy, has now been equated to racism. Who, in their right mind, will ever vote for another black president, if even their policies are above criticism?

What I have presented above is a damning indictment of the tyrannical power power structure and Chicago mob-mentality that is destroying this nation from within. And, this only scratches the surface. What Obama and liberal Democrats are doing isn’t change. He doesn’t love this country and he isn’t interested in equal opportunity, only equal outcome. He is a closet Marxist who hates this country and must transform it into something else . If he was being honest and open about his beliefs, that would be one thing. But, he ran as a moderate. What he’s doing is dishonest. It’s hypocritical. It’s criminal. It’s treason. It’s sedition.

So, the question then becomes what do you do about it? Do you, as an American, roll over and allow them to destroy your country or do you stand and resist?

Every living veteran who served to preserve our way of life; all 26 million of you must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

Every active duty military officer, who objects to his social experimentation and battlefield indecision must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

Every single police officer ordered to profile domestic terror suspects based on possession of a political bumper sticker or concealed carry permit must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

Every single American asked to tank business deals or destroy someone’s livelihood through litigation, intimidation or invasions of privacy, like so many have done to Americans like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Carrie Prejean, Joe Wuzelbacher, Hannah Giles, must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

Every single God-Fearing Christian, tired of the attacks on your religion, tired of the suppression of your freedom to assemble, tired of the silencing of your prayers and destruction of your monuments must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

Every single politician and other government official throughout local, state, and federal governments, who believes that the constitution and the Rule of law trumps the Cult of Personality must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

Every single voter who put their trust in this man and now feels betrayed, must resist Barack Obama’s agenda.

There is still time to save this great nation, but the clock is ticking. The pace of the socialist takeover is accelerating. The time for complacency and standing on the sidelines is gone. Richard Nixon resigned and Bill Clinton was impeached for far less

Update on Obama Birth Certificate Case

Just got this in my email and passing it on.
I highly recommend everyone sign up for important issue updates at They keep you informed!

From The Desk Of Gary G. Kreep

Dear Concerned Friend,

Barack Obama is sweating it out after his Department of Justice (“DOJ”) attorneys walked into court expecting United States Federal District Court Judge David Carter to dismiss the birth certificate case. Why you ask? Simply because they “think” Obama is President. Their arguments were hollow and unconvincing. and after hearing hours of argument, the Judge Carter “took the matter under submission.” He has still not issued a ruling, 10 days later!

Is The President Above The Law and the Courts?

DOJ attorneys tried to explain to the Judge that no Court in the United States had the jurisdiction to rule on whether Barack Hussein Obama was eligible to serve as President of the United States? In their view he could only be impeached and/or disqualified from the Office of President under the 25th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.

NOT TRUE! USJF pointed out to the Court that both the impeachment statutes, and the 25th Amendment required a sitting President, but if Mr. Obama is not eligible to serve as President, he could not be, and never was, a sitting President, so those options for removal could not apply. Therefore the courts would have jurisdiction.


Monday, October 5, 2009, , at 8:30 a.m., in California, was a critical milestone for our entire legal and public relations effort to force Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate and to prove whether he is eligible to serve as President of the United States. And with your support USJF was able to be there to argue the case.

The case has an excellent chance to survive the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) motion to dismiss what has proven to be the best chance for America to have a hearing on the merits of this critical Constitutional issue.

What happened that day in Court? It’s very simple—the DOJ attorneys brought up every argument that they could to try to persuade the Court to dismiss this case

USJF provided sound legal arguments against the DOJ legal theories; otherwise the whole case could have been over right then and there! The USJF oral arguments will be the difference between this case surviving or being dismissed.

The Judge raised issues critical to our case:

1. Did Senators question the eligibility of Mr. Obama? (Only Senators Coburn and Shelby and a number of House members.)

2. Were objections made by Members of Congress when the vote of the Electoral College was certified? (NO, then Vice-President Cheney had not performed his required duty of asking for objections, so there could have been none raised.)

DOJ attorneys argued that only Congress, and/or the Electoral College, could decide on the eligibility of Mr. Obama. Fortunately, the USJF legal team filed pleadings pointing out that the DOJ legal arguments in this regard WERE WRONG! And, I was there to argue against those claims.

People at the hearing and those who have found out what happened there since have been contacting USJF, thanking us for standing up for the truth!

But the fight is not over yet! We expect a ruling from the Court any day now. If we defeat the dismissal motion, then we’re immediately filing pleadings (“discovery”) seeking Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, his college records, and so much more. AND, we’ll be seeking to depose Mr. Obama ASAP!

And if the Court grants the motion to dismiss, we’ll be immediately filing an appeal of the decision!

But we can only do this if we have your financial support!

Judge Carter has set a trial date of January 26, 2010 in this case. To keep that date, we need to defeat the DOJ dismissal motion, and then, IMMEDIATELY, move right into the discovery phase discussed above. BUT THAT WILL BE VERY EXPENSIVE AND WE WILL NEED TO:

  • Retain attorneys in Washington, D. C., to take the Obama deposition.
  • Retain attorneys in Hawaii to take the deposition of those in control of the Obama birth records and school records.
  • Take the deposition of Occidental, College officials to obtain Obama school records
  • We will have to retain attorneys in Massachusetts to take the deposition of Harvard. Law School officials to obtain Obama school records.
  • Pay the cost of the court reporters for all of these depositions. Plus,
  • Pay the cost of serving the subpoenas on the various witnesses.


We expect the DOJ, as well as Mr. Obama’s private attorneys, to fight us every step of the way! Obama attorneys will file motions to block the depositions in each and every state, and the District of Columbia by the Obama defense team!


  • Question the issue of the passport files of Mr. Obama! We’re going to be going after the records of how he traveled abroad without a United States Passport in the 1980’s, as he admits doing.
  • Question the issue of his alleged adoption by his step-father in Indonesia! We’ll be seeking records about that also!
  • Resolve questions about his Selective Service files! We’ll be seeking records concerning that also!

But, first, we have to get past the DOJ dismissal motion!

The DOJ’s motion to dismiss also claims that our clients have no “standing,” that the Federal Court does not have “jurisdiction” to hear this case, and that the matter is “political.

But, if we as citizens of the United States have no “standing” to verify the citizenship of the man occupying the White House, who does? If our Federal Courts have no jurisdiction to hear this case, who does? It’s not a “political” question, it’s a CONSTITUTIONAL question!

Last November, people said we were crazy to pursue this issue. Now, we’ve been shown to be right in our pursuit of the truth. It’s not just the original birth certificate that they’re refusing to release. Barack Obama’s legal team has spent, according to published reports, over $1.4 million dollars so far to STOP anyone from seeing ANY of his actual identification documents, and many other documents.

WHAT is Barack Obama trying to hide? WHAT is he afraid of? WHY doesn’t he just release these documents to prove he is a natural-born citizen and therefore qualified to be president — especially his actual birth certificate?

When Barack Obama officially entered the office of President, he became, in essence, a “pretender to the throne.” According to the Constitution, only a “natural born citizen” can occupy the presidency.

Even though he was sworn in on January 20, 2009, Barack Obama is NOT legally the President of the United States, unless he can prove that he is a “natural born citizen.”

What’s more, every action taken by him while he occupies the White House may be invalid. If he cannot legally be President, every law passed by Congress will be null and void because the Constitution clearly requires that all laws be signed by the President… and, without a legally elected and sworn in President in office, that becomes an impossibility.

This crisis must be ended! And it must be ended NOW!


And that’s just what we’re fighting to do. The United States Justice Foundation is spearheading a campaign to protect the United States Constitution… and your liberty.

We have to press our case to stop Barack Obama from, apparently, illegally holding the Presidency, despite the ongoing threats against us. We are speaking of filing additional lawsuits and administrative actions, over and above the dozens already filed, if you will help us today.

Are you willing to see the Constitution shredded by the Left? Will you sit back and do nothing while a foreign-born person may be illegally occupying the White House as President of the United States?

Our country is on the fast track to disaster… but you can help us keep the situation from getting worse. I pray that I’ll hear from you today.


Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation

P.S. This is the biggest political cover-up in American history! It would be so simple to release the documents to PROVE Obama is a natural-born citizen… IF THEY HAD THE DOCUMENTS!

America has never before faced such a threat. Everything we hold dear is at risk with Barack Obama sitting as President without him releasing his actual birth certificate, plus the dozens of other documents that he refuses to produce.

Please remember that we are fighting in the California Appellate Court system.

Barack Hussein Obama thinks he can get away with DUPING the American people and DESTROYING the U.S. Constitution. DON’T LET HIM DO IT! Please, make your best possible contribution to USJF today:


To donate by check, please mail to:
United States Justice Foundation
National Processing Center
PO Box 131637
Dept Code 3113
Houston, TX 77219-1637

The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted.

Stonewalled In Hawaii – Where’s World Net Daily On This Issue?

Leo Donofrio published

Last week I published a report which established that Hawaii Attorney General Mark Bennett was invoking “attorney client privilege” as to the opinion issued to Department of Health Director Fukino wherein the AG reviewed and approved the July 27, 2009 press release which stated to the world that President Obama was born in Hawaii and is a “natural-born American citzen”.

Is there no story here? Attorney client privilege was applied to a public statement? How is that possible? The statement was issued in a press release. No privilege applies.

In part 3 of my UIPA report, I detailed the legal statutes and case law in Hawaii that demand the Attorney General opinion be made public.

Parts 1 and 2 of that same report explained how the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) gives “any person” standing to challenge in court the failure of a Hawaii state agency to release records which the public are entitled to.

Furthermore, I also detailed – here and here – how DoH Communications Director Janice Okubo has been running interference by failing to answer proper UIPA requests as is required by OIP administrative rules.

I am preparing a follow up on all of this which illustrates Okubo’s continued failure to answer UIPA requests under OIP administrative rules which has the effect of stopping all research. Additonally, my appeals to the OIP have gone unanswered.


They are allegedly in possession of a petition with half a million names on it in support of political leaders investigating Obama’s POTUS eligibility. My question to WND is – why don’t you investigate his eligibility by using the very simple devices listed in the UIPA?

All WND must do is write up a copy of the same questions we have asked… email it to Janice Okubo and then follow up with an OIP appeal and a judicial branch appeal (to be expedited to the front of the litigation calendar by statute).

I have always found the WND reporting on eligibility to be very convenient to the Obama administration. They have chosen to focus on the sensational conspiracy theory aspects of the issue rather than the genuine legal problem he faces in that he was a British citizen at birth. But if WND want to genuinely establish themselves as true investigative reporters on the issue of Obama’s eligibility, all they have to do is make an effort to use the public disclosure laws available to “any person”.

I would be happy to write model UIPA requests, model appeals to the OIP and model judicial complaints to be filed in Hawaii Circuit courts for World Net Daily to act upon and to gather information. Not only is Obama’s COLB available for discovery right now via these laws, but so is the Attorney General opinion which guided Fukino’s infamous July 27th press release as well as the original vital records she viewed which allowed her to state that Obama was born in Hawaii.

There’s no reason to be groping around in the dark looking for these documents in federal court rooms by people who have no chance of garnering standing. Standing is granted to “any person” in Hawaii. WND and all the other attorneys involved in POTUS eligibility should be using the UIPA laws in Hawaii, along with the OIP administrative rules and judicial precedent to get the information necessary for the country to have closure on Obama’s place of birth.

If Okubo tries to stonewall WND the way she stonewalls the rest of the public, then she can see her face and her replies spread over the front pages of WND. And WND certainly has the resources to take this fight to the judicial branch in Hawaii.

Hawaii officials appear unwilling to work with me under their laws. I will be filing law suits. But I don’t see why WND and other interested attorneys continue to ignore the UIPA, OIP and judicial branch in Hawaii where standing is not an obstacle. If your fight is to see the Obama birth records, then these laws make that possible.

I see a pattern emerging where the UIPA is ignored and the federal Quo Warranto statute is not followed properly. It feels like a big attempt to keep public eyes away from true legal solutions while impossible exotic suits are brought in federal courts which have no subject matter jurisdiction for plaintiffs with undeniable standing issues.

The solutions are there, America. It’s just that there’s no publicity allowed for those of us trying to use the right solutions. And without publicity, Okubo continues to stick her thumb in your eye. The UIPA was intended to remove that thumb and we’ve already seen her be forced on more than one occasion to admit that she issued misinformation. If we had vigilance on this from the media, nothing would be hidden from view.

Why isn’t WND covering the UIPA investigations.

Why isn’t WND pursuing a UIPA investigation of its own?

I would be happy to provide model inquisitions.

Leo C. Donofrio, Citizen Attorney

Dictator Obama and Reaching the Point of No Return

American Grand Jury

October 19th, 2009
Canada Free Press
By Sher Zieve

As very few of our Congressional elected officials—Democrats AND Republicans—are taking any actions or exhibiting any desire to stop the Obama Dictatorship and We-the-People are now being completely left out of any and all legislation that directly affects us, I can only surmise that we as the Nation of the United states of America may have reached the point of no return in our rapidly forced descent into totalitarianism.

From the anti-American and anti-human recently-passed Congressional bills, I have also concluded that—as these self-same elected officials no longer care what their constituents think—our attempts to stop the insanity of government officials summarily stripping us of our own money and our Constitutionally guaranteed liberties via peaceful means may have now come to an end. They haven’t worked. In actuality, even our September 1.7 millions-person-march on Washington D.C. in opposition to ObamaCare and Cap and Tax barely elicited yawns from both the Executive and Legislative branches of government—the ones the American people elected to office in the first place. Instead, delivering yet another slap to the faces of the American people, Obama skipped town that day to be fawned over by a hand-picked crowd of his supporters in Minnesota.

How did this dismantling occur? The beginnings of the Progressive/Communist/Marxist movement began in the US—in earnest—under Democrat President Woodrow Wilson and was expanded in the 1920s by ACLU founder Roger Nash Baldwin. There are many books and articles written about Baldwin—I’ve written a few also—so if you wish to research his or Wilson’s progressive and pro-communist backgrounds, I encourage you to do so. In this column, however, I will concentrate on more recent events leading to our demise.

The Beginnings of Recent Leftist Democrat Destructions

Established in 1977 under then leftist President Jimmy Carter, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was enacted to force banking institutions to provide loans to low income people—many of whom could not or simply did not pay the loans back. As well as being used as a liberal/leftist slush fund, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were utilized to finance the mortgages of low-income individuals who could not qualify to purchase a home under traditional 30-year fixed financing. So, ARMs (adjustable rate mortgages) were given to the unqualified buyer. Beginning with extremely low mortgage payments, the unqualified-under-any-sane-circumstances buyer “bought” his or her home. The problem—just as if it had been planned—came when the mortgage rates increased, balloon payments came due and the ARM buyers paycheck didn’t increase at the same rate as his mortgage payments did. The marginal buyers were in trouble and, then, so was the economy.

The Leftists’ intermediary move to better Ensure the Deal?

To top that off, on 15 September 2008—under two months prior to the US Presidential and General elections—a coordinated and as yet “culprits-unnamed” draw-down on money market accounts to the tune of $550Billions in under 2 hours (a run on the banks) was announced by the Federal Reserve. It quickly pumped $120Billions into the system, temporarily shut down the Reserve and announced if it had not done so, by 3:00 p.m. that same day $5.5Trillions would have been lost by the USA alone and the world economic system would have crashed and burned.

Hmmm. Was this run on the banks and potential destruction of the economic system a way to better ensure Obama would be installed as POTUS? I don’t know but, it was certainly highly “coincidental” wasn’t it? This bank-run caused President Bush—under the prodding of the Democrat-run Congress—to call for TARP or “Troubled Asset Relief Program“ to be instituted. Note: It appears that the economy was doing too well for the Left to take any more chances that their Marxist candidate wouldn’t win. So…the run on the banks was necessary. What a movie this will make. But, who will play Obama? Will Obama soon control the film industry—at least the small portion he doesn’t currently dominate?

Change You Can Believe in but, Are Not Allowed to Know

The US POTUS Candidate (who may or may not be a US citizen—“Don’t ask don’t tell” is Obama’s motto on his birth certificate issue) Barack Hussein Obama was chosen by US and World leftists as their representative to employ and conduct the fast, furious and final disintegration and desolation of the United States of America. And, Obama is conducting a brilliant campaign of doing so. In just a few short months Obama has brought the USA to its knees and terrorists everywhere to wild and unbridled applause. In just 9 months, Obama and his minions (including his Uber-Marxist Czars) has stolen more money (and continues to do so) from We-the-People than all other POTUS’ in history—combined. And he is redistributing it to his cronies and countries of choice—with a few bucks trickled down to the voting poor. Obama has vowed to shove his Cap and Tax and government-run ObamaCare down the throats of the American people. This is despite the facts that consistently the American people have polled in large majority against Cap and Trade (which will cause an energy-cost increase of between $2,000-4,000/year per family and eliminate millions more jobs), 80-85% of the American people polled have said they like their current healthcare insurance plans and do NOT want government-controlled healthcare (aka “public option”). Change has come folks. But, it no longer seems to be the change that those who voted for Obama thought it would include. And all of their “change” is now happening behind closed Democrat doors. We-the-People are neither invited to participate in our country’s business nor to make any more decisions regarding it. Our rulers have spoken—loudly.

The Real Mission of the World’s Left

In virtually everything they say and do, Obama, the US House of Representatives and the US Senate have made it crystal clear that they do not care what We-the-People want. They are now talking only amongst themselves and taking only their own counsel. They want control OVER us—purely and simply. And they’re gaining more and more of it each and every day. Cap and Trade (now called the “Climate Bill”) will not help the climate. But, it will take more of the people’s assets and give them to the UN. Did you know that Obama is planning to cede what’s remaining of US sovereignty in December at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen? See the video and article below. If they don’t send chills down your spine nothing will. The signing this treaty will place the United Nations in charge of US energy policy. Did you know that? And leftist Democrats are now openly running as Republicans. One prime example is that of New York’s 23rd District Dierdre Scozzafava. Scozzafava is pro-abortion, pro-big labor, votes to raise taxes and is supported by leftist groups including the Working Families Party, which calls itself “New York’s liveliest and most progressive political party.” The real conservative running in this race is Doug Hoffman. To add insult to injury, Newt Gingrich is supporting the radical Scozzafava. Note: More suspicions confirmed about Newt?


The poorer and less educated countries become, the easier it is to control both said countries and their populations. And, with regards to ObamaCare, the fewer people in a country—the easier it is to control. Marxism is a feudal system, which incorporates the elite ruling class at the top and the soon-to-be-poor workers (aka proletariat) at the bottom working for the elites. The proletariat have nothing except that which their totalitarian government decides to “bestow” upon them. And the bestowing is not, by any stretch of the imagination, equal.

And from the 1963 Communist Goals for the USA (it took awhile but, Obama is now driving them through) are a few of the tactics used. The complete list can be accessed via the URL below:

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture—education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.
Sound familiar? It should. It’s what the leftist Congress and Dictator-in-Chief have been using as one of their guidelines since they were elected. And the endgame? It’s to control who can be controlled and terminate those who refuse.

Simple process and to the point…don’t you think?

Scrubbing History is a Marxist Tradition in the Democratic Party

The Post & Email published

by John Charlton

(Oct. 19, 2009) — The scrubbing of the internet to rewrite Obama’s birth story, perpetrated by Google’s Newspaper Archive and numerous news sites such as the Honolulu Advertiser, is not something new; nor unique to the Obama Campaign; it’s the standard modus operandi of Communist infiltration in the U.S.A. whose roots go back nearly 70 years.

Just 2 years ago a scholar M. Stanton Evans, warned the citizens of the United States about the tactic of stealing history, in his book on Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Whether one agreed with or despised the politics of the late Senator McCarthy, one thing all should agree on is this: that the history of the events surrounding his anti-communist crusade should be preserved for posterity.


Yet, in 1993, under the Clinton Administration someone stole that history.

Evans documents this in his book in his book, Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His fight Against America’s Enemies. An extensive summary (nearly 20 pps long) of that book was published by Renew America, and written by Wes Vernon. It is available on the web via Citizens for a Constitutional Republic. This article will excerpt from Vernon’s summary, which is, in itself, worth reading.

After mentioning the theft of historic documents from the national archive by Sandy Berger, to ostensibly white wash the record of Bill Clinton’s failure to protect the nation against Islamo-terrorism; Vernon summarizes the evidence brought forward by M. Stanton Evans:

One of the mysteriously “disappearing” documents was issued in the summer of 1946 by State Department official Samuel Klaus. He fingered Soviet agents and alleged Communist Party members — one of them Alger Hiss — in the Department. He also cited “suspects” and “sympathizers.”

Four years later, after Senator McCarthy had launched his campaign to expose the failure to oust Communists from State, he learned of the Klaus memo, and brought pressure to have it turned over to Senator Millard Tydings, the Maryland Democrat who was conducting hearings to examine McCarthy’s charges. Tydings received a copy. Thereafter it simply disappeared. There is in the Archives a cover letter of transmittal, but the memo itself is gone. Some cover-up artist pulled a Sandy Berger years before Sandy’s time.

And thus began Evans discovery of the theft of history; the results of the investigation Vernon subsequently summarizes:

When Evans looked for the memo in the files of Samuel Klaus, it was likewise missing. And here’s the real scary part: The Archives contained a notice that the file was withdrawn in March of 1993–43 years later.

That was in Evans’s book. In my two-hour interview with the author, he revealed he had learned since the book went to print that important files on the “McCarthy era” had been lifted as late as the year 2000–50 years later.

Much of the missing material had to do with the Tydings subcommittee which had been named by the Senate’s Democrat leadership — ostensibly to investigate McCarthy’s allegations of Communists in the State Department — but in reality to do a whitewash of the charges and instead discredit McCarthy.

Who in the year 2000 would be nosing around and risking jail time to steal (or “remove”) the memo even then — after much of the world had forgotten about what was headline news way back in the 1950s? . . .

And Vernon continues:

Also mysteriously missing are two dozen other documents “from the State Department related to security matters,” the author reports. The long laundry list of stolen Archive files includes “the names of eighty loyalty/security suspects at State and elsewhere,” and a letter from the head of the CIA concerning one of the eighty on that list; another listing of 12 other suspects for inquiry; and papers from McCarthy’s own investigating subcommittee which he chaired 1953-1955.

And it’s not only Government records which have disappeared, even the archives of a West Virginia Paper have magically vanished:

McCarthy’s first speech on the Communist issue was delivered in Wheeling, West Virginia, on February 9, 1950. There was a lot of controversy about what the previously little-known Wisconsin senator did and did not say in that speech. So Evans spent some time in Wheeling in an attempt to peruse records of the Wheeling Intelligencer, now stored at the local public library there.

Surely that file would preserve for posterity news of the events that took place during this history-making event in Wheeling, would it not?

Wrong. All editions going back to the 19th Century were microfilmed and in their places — except for two months in well over a century’s worth of cataloguing — January and February, 1950. Those two months included what are probably the period where Wheeling, W. Va., made the biggest national news in its history, and they just happen to be the two months where the local newspaper’s back issues are missing. What was reported in that daily newspaper that would inspire someone to wipe out the record as if it never happened?

And even the Library of Congress:

Evans then figured not to worry. He would simply go to the Library of Congress which keeps records of newspapers and other publications from around the country. The library had issues of the Wheeling Intelligencer, but none prior to August, 1952.

And the whitewash of history, was not confined the Clinton years, the Democrats in Congress were up to it even in McCarthy’s day:

Again, the Tydings committee — formally charged with investigating McCarthy’s charges of the State Department cover-up — in reality, was charged by the Senate’s then-Democrat majority with putting the lid on the whole thing.

When the committee issued its final report, one of the Republican members, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, noted that 35 pages of stenographic record in the final hearing were missing. Not included (surprise!) were Senator Lodge’s comments toward the end of the hearings that many significant topics had not been covered or had been swept under the rug in Tydings’ “probe.” The New England Republican outlined a series of questions that had not been answered.

When Lodge indignantly took his complaint to the Senate floor, all hell broke loose.

Exhibiting as much anger as his Boston blue-blood upbringing would allow, Senator Lodge charged the disappearance “obviously wasn’t accidental” and that “[s]omebody had surgically removed” the 35 pages because the last pages in the transcript, including the part about adjournment, were tacked on to give the false impression of a complete record.

The Amerasia Affair & Coverup

One very important case regarding Communist infiltration and theft of top-secret documents during these years was the Amerasia Magazine, run by the Institute for Pacific Relations and funded in part by the Rockefeller Foundation; the FBI found 1,800 stolen documents in the magazine’s offices, and evidence that these were being passed on to the Communists in China.

The Democratic Leadership squashed the investigation and tried to hide it away:

When the agents entered the Amerasia offices in the middle of the night, they recovered 1800 documents, stolen from the secret files of many government agencies involved in national security, including secret information on the position of the armies of the then pro-Western government of China. Naturally, these were of great interest to the Chinese Communist military revolutionaries then seeking to overthrow (ultimately with success) that American-friendly government.

After the break-in, the bureau arrested Philip Jaffe, Kate Mitchell, Mark Gayn, Andrew Roth, John Stewart Service, and Emanuel Larson — the latter two from the State Department. All six — connected in one way or another with the magazine — had Communist or pro-Communist backgrounds.

The case garnered a brief whirlwind of publicity at the time, but not much beyond that. In relatively short order, all six escaped jail time, some of them paying light fines or other slaps on the wrist or getting off scot-free.

Service — a diplomat who spent much of World War II in China, where he set about deriding the pro-Western Chinese government and praising the Communists as “simple agrarian reformers” — was able to avoid indictment in part because his position at the State Department provided him with ample “connections.” He slipped through the loose jaws of justice, notwithstanding that he was caught by the FBI passing secret documents to Jaffe (Amerasia’s editor) — the latter described by Evans as “a zealous Marxist” and “one of the more unusual characters in the murky byways of subversion.” Service would later become one of McCarthy’s listed State Department cases. Jaffe would also be mentioned, as well as Owen Lattimore (about whom more below).

Stan Evans has unearthed an FBI report on a Service/Jaffe meeting here in Washington where Service warned (while the FBI recorders were surreptitiously taking it all in) that “what I said about the military plans, of course, is very secret.” The two held several such clandestine (or so they thought) meetings.

Vernon then summarizes what fallows:

Shortly after the Amerasia case was wiped off the national radar, some lawmakers, including Congressman George Dondero (R-Mich.), demanded to know how such an important and far-reaching case could crumble so quickly. Democrats (then in control of Congress) held a hearing on the matter behind closed doors and without putting anyone under oath. Justice Department prosecutor Robert Hitchcock described the whole thing as nothing more than “teacup gossip.”

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover went “ballistic” (Evans reports in “Blacklisted by History”). After all, the FBI had wiretaps and other documentation on the whole conspiracy. At the time of the arrests, Hoover had reportedly described it as “a 100 percent airtight case,” only to see it covered up soon thereafter at the highest levels.

“Tommy the Cork”

Not until the late nineties was it publicly known that a major string-puller in the Amerasia cover-up of a half century ago was a veteran “Mr. Fixit,” Thomas “Tommy the Cork” Corcoran. He had lived in the White House at President Roosevelt’s side and later became a Washington lawyer.

“Tommy the Cork,” so nicknamed by FDR, was not regarded with the same degree of affection at the White House after Harry Truman became president. “The new President,” according to Evans’ book on Joe McCarthy, “had certain suspicions about the New Deal wheelhorse,” and put the FBI on his trail. There they found him up to his ears “in the Amerasia quagmire,” working with pro-Soviet FDR aide Laughlin Currie (John Stewart Service’s mentor) to make sure Service was not indicted. As a result, reports the author, “Service would walk free and clear from any legal sanctions. Not one of the people being [wire]tapped, according to Bureau records, dissented from this felonious project.”

Samples of the wiretapped conversations in the cover-up

Corcoran: What I want to do is get this guy [Service] out. These other fellows want to make a Dreyfus case out of it.

Currie: Yeah, but the important thing is to get him out.


Corcoran (to Service): I talked to the Attorney General [Tom Clark, later elevated to the U.S. Supreme Court] and … l did want you to know that I’d gone right to the top on this damn thing, and I’m quite sure I’ll get it cut out [i.e., spare your name from going to the Grand Jury]


In the last year, U.S. Citizens who have questioned the ascendency of Barack Hussein Obama have been attack publicly and privately, in the press, on TV, and in Internet forums and blogs, as being conspiracy theorists. Yet the facts of history prove that it is the liberal media, the Democratic Party, and known Marxists, Communists, and Socialists at the highest levels of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government who have entered into a conspiracy to whitewash history to advance the careers of known Marxist sympathizers.

The scrubbing of history in the McCarthy Accustations Affair, had this purpose: to conceal the infiltrators the KGB was moving up to positions of power and influence in America. Indeed, with the fall of Communism in Russia and the publication of KGB files, it has been found that nearly 95% of those accused by Senator McCarthy were either KGB agents, informants, or collaborators.

The bitter fruit of this 70 effort and infiltration and history theft, is the Communist takeover of government which occurred at the last national election. And unless America rises up against this takeover, it may very well have been the last national election.