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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We are the media!
from The Betrayal by David Crockett

The Post & Email

by Sharon Rondeau

We can break through the cloud that is hanging over America(Apr. 21, 2010) — A CBS report from yesterday demonstrates how willfully irresponsible the “mainstream” media has become. The writer of the story states that the White House “slammed former Republican Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado Monday for his recent remarks suggesting President Obama was not born in the United States,” yet she gives no examples of that. The only remark she quoted, from White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, was, “I could probably fill the better part of my afternoons responding to the general lunacy of somebody like Tom Tancredo.” If that was all he said, that can hardly be called a “slam.”

Further, the writer, Stephanie Condon, provides no context or background as to why Tancredo might have made such a comment. Instead of providing a link to a story with the video of Michelle Obama stating that Kenya is her husband’s “home country,” quoting from the transcript, or even questioning how Tancredo arrived at that conclusion, she incorrectly stated that there is “overwhelming evidence he (Obama) was born in the United States — including his 1961 birth announcement, printed in two Hawaii newspapers.”

Two birth announcements for an unnamed child from 1961 are not exactly “overwhelming evidence” when the Minister of Lands and member of the Kenyan Parliament states that Obama was born in his country, as did the Kenyan ambassador.

The ludicrous position of writers such as Condon is becoming more evident by the day. In spite of their previous attempts to squelch all discussion about Obama’s background, they are admitting that the doubts about his birthplace and other details of his life have “steadily persisted” from the campaign through today. But they dare ask no questions, or seek information, and it has been up to blogs, e-newspapers like this one, and other online news sources to do the old-fashioned investigating which the media used to perform.

The media is getting desperate, and that’s because all of us are doing the job they used to do. This is one job that Americans are more than willing to do!

The irresponsibility, dereliction of duty and downright leftist agenda of the major media are the factors which installed Obama in the Oval Office, most likely in violation of the U.S. Constitution. While the sycophant writers working for CBS, the AP, NBC, MSNBC, Fox News and ABC are busy trying to do damage control as more and more people are learning that Obama has lied about his background and is probably constitutionally ineligible to serve, we are working to uncover the truth and expose the deception which has been perpetrated for many years, quantified by the ascension of the most anti-American, foreign, ineligible imposter this country has ever known.

If there weren’t something phony about Obama, then CBS and the AP wouldn’t be mentioning that there are rumors he was born in Kenya. They wouldn’t be accusing Tancredo and others of making “incendiary remarks” but failing to quote them. Their shameless shilling for Obama during the campaign now has them in a deep funk, as they can no longer ignore the “birther movement” and all of us who have been out there informing our neighbors.

There are many more of us than there are of them.

All of us have a circle of influence. If each day, we tell one new person about Obama’s highly questionable eligibility, we are doing our duty by informing our fellow citizens of the constitutional crisis we face. The sooner every adult in this country knows what we are up against, the sooner we will have the numbers to do something about it. We don’t have the luxury of remaining quiet because we think someone will argue with us or suggest we get a brain scan. Samuel Adams, George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Hancock and all of the other Founding Fathers didn’t care what someone thought when they talked about liberty or death and breaking away from England, which only 30% of the colonists at the time supported. They meant what they said, and they did something about it. They founded the greatest, freest nation on earth, and even though we are held hostage now by an illegally-installed dictator and his criminal cronies, we can do something about it.

So every time you meet a new person, say something. Every time you run into an old acquaintance, say something. Talk about the situation we’re in and what can be done about it. Recruit others to help us get the old America back, the free one, the one in which personal ambition and hard work could be combined to produce whatever future a person could envision. Not Obama’s America; our America.

We are the media. Let’s keep the pressure on, and eventually the dam will break. It has to. Because the truth will always emerge, sooner or later. And you can all be part of making that happen.

This national nightmare can be over if we all work hard to spread the word. That’s how they did it back in 1776. And we have many more ways to inform others than they did back then.

Critical mass is building.

We’re almost there.

Here comes the sun.

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