Security - Security For Whom?"
By Ron Ewart,
President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and creator of the
Devoted to the
noble goal of getting Americans to think LIKE Americans and
acting FOR America.
Copyright Sunday, March 24, 2013 - All Rights
EDITOR'S NOTE: Re-posted with direct permission of Ron EWART.
article can also be viewed at: http://www.theparallaxprophecies.com/pparchives/032413.html
will be devoting this and future columns to why government has
become the enemy of the people, by highlighting government
agencies, their history and their actions, with the goal of getting
more Americans to take on their government by uniting as Americans for
The U. S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) came into being shortly after the attack of
September 11, 2001 on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington
DC, under the Homeland Security Act of 2002. (http://www.dhs.gov/homeland-security-act-2002). The new DHS combined 22 agencies under one
presidential cabinet level bureaucracy. You can find what agencies became
part of DHS at this link: http://www.dhs.gov/who-joined-dhs. The
department's stated mission is to protect the "homeland" from terrorist attacks,
except in the process DHS, with the help of their private partner
and radical left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, have labeled
American patriots, conservatives and returning vets as domestic
About the same time,
the Congress and President Bush passed the Patriot Act in a knee-jerk
reaction to the 9/11 attack without regard to constitutional violations.
What next ..... drone surveillance or assassination of American citizens in
America, warrantless arrests under the NDAA, National ID cards, RFID
identity chips implanted under the skin, or just outright confiscation
(stealing) of our bank deposits, IRA's and 401K's,
Cyprus style? Sure, these are stretches, but what or who will
stop government if they decide to do it?
Unfortunately, when you give a
government agency power without a lot of oversight, they exercise that power way
beyond the limits of their charter, because that is the nature of
government. All cabinet level departments have done this over the last
several decades, only under Obama it has increased. Even state and local
bureaucracies take on this arrogant,
"we-are-the-masters" posture. They think they
own us. They have become little tin Gods who yell at us,"...
obey the law or else!" Some brave Americans resist, but
today over half the American people think government does own us and
they don't care because they are getting "free stuff". How easily they
have surrendered their freedom.
In any event, we were very curious as
to why DHS purchased about 1,600,000,000 rounds of ammunition (much of it the deadly hollow-points) and 7,000 fully
automatic assault rifles? DHS is not part of the military so why
would they be stockpiling such huge quantities of ammunition and weapons, enough
ammunition to pump five bullets into each American, man, woman and child?
As we mentioned in a previous column, on January 31, 2013 we filed a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request with DHS asking them to produce documents for
three specific questions. We also requested a fee waiver under the
provisions of 5 USC S 552 4(A)(iii). You can view our FOIA request in
PDF format HERE.
We requested documents regarding:
1. Who (name and title) at DHS approved the purchases of ammunition and
assault rifles?
2. What agencies were
designated to receive the ammunition and rifles?
3. Where did the money
come from to make the purchases and who in the Congress authorized the
Sounds simple enough doesn't
it? It is anything but simple when it comes to government. We
received a long letter from DHS a couple of weeks later telling us the fee
waiver was approved and we could expect the documents in about 30 working
days. Then, just the other day we received another letter from DHS saying
that they had funneled our FOIA request out to eight (8) different agencies
under DHS and on the same day we received letters from two of those agencies
denying our fee waiver. We were incensed by this side-step maneuver by DHS
and fired off a certified letter to Secretary Janet Napolitano indicating
our displeasure with their decision and a few other well-chosen
words. We sent a copy of the letter to U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder
at the U. S. Department of Justice as well.
Our letter fully explains how we
felt about their attempts to divert attention away from DHS for the
purchases. Readers are welcome to share it, if they deem it
appropriate. In fact, we encourage them to share it. Our
readers might even consider sharing their thoughts with Madame Secretary
letter to Napolitano expresses our view as well as the views of millions of
other freedom-loving Americans about how we are arrogantly treated by
government, at all levels. Unfortunately, government will continue to
be arrogant and abusive if we don't challenge them, en masse. They have
the "guns" and the "bullets" that they just bought with our money.
Nevertheless, we're challenging them at our own risk, as we know that they are
monitoring our website daily! Will you challenge them? Or, are you
going to just watch from the shadows and let others take the risks and
fight the fight and hope you don't get noticed? There is a name for
The following letter is just one way
we are challenging them peacefully.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Freedom Of Information Act”
March 18, 2013
Secretary Janet Napolitano
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
cc: Eric Neuschaefer, FOIA Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, Washington, D.C.
General Eric Holder, U. S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Washington DC 20530-0001
Re: Ammunition
and AR-15 Acquisitions, et al
FOIA Request Number 2013 HQFO-00426
Dear Madame Secretary
We filed a formal written Freedom of
Information Request (FOIA) under 5 USC S 552, by first-class letter dated
January 30, 2013, to the agency over which you have jurisdiction, the U. S.
Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) regarding the acquisition by DHS of over
1 billions rounds of ammunition (much of it hollow-point
ammunition) and at least 7,000 fully automatic AR-15
assault rifles. On February 19,
2013 we received a long first-class letter from one Eric Neuschaefer, DHS FOIA
Program Specialist, indicating how he, Mr. Neuschaefer, would handle our
request. We responded with a
first-class letter dated February 20, 2013, narrowing our request to a few
specific documents at his suggestion.
To our absolute amazement, surprise and disgust, we
received a first-class letter from Mr. Neuschaefer dated March 4, 2013 that he
had funneled our request out to eight (8) different agencies that fall under the
jurisdiction of DHS. On the same
day we received two responses from DHS agencies.
Secretary Napolitano, our request was significantly
specific. We wanted to
Who (that is a real live person
with a name and title) approved the said purchases at
What federal agencies were designated to receive the
ammunition and assault rifles?
Where did the money come from to make the
Three (3) documents should pretty well answer our
request, not a thousand documents from eight (8) different agencies, subject to
FOIA fees.
The whole country knows that DHS signed the
purchase orders for the ammunition and assault rifles. The purchase order for the ammunition
and assault rifles originated in the offices of DHS not eight (8) different
agencies under DHS. Therefore, DHS
knows (the
person) who approved the purchase. They know where the ammunition and
assault rifles are supposed to be distributed and they know where the money came
from to make the purchases.
To funnel our FOIA request off to eight (8) different
agencies is a blatant attempt to obfuscate DHS’s complicity in the purchase. It is also an attempt to make our
request much more complicated than it has to be.
It’s the old “document blitz” model used by way-too-many
attorneys to run their opponent out of money. The decision by Mr. Neuschaefer to
funnel our request out to eight (8) different agencies will also cost the
government more money to respond to our request, when DHS is quite capable of
responding with little time and little expense.
We requested a waiver of fees under 5 USC
552 4(A)(iii), which was conditionally granted in Mr. Neuschaefer’s February 20,
2013 response to our original request, as long as it was less than 100
documents. In the now
three responses from the eight (8) agencies, (we’ve only received two so
far) they are denying our fee waiver. Consequently this action by DHS also
forces us to pay FOIA fees to eight (8) different agencies, when it is
absolutely clear that DHS is wholly responsible for the purchases and it is
absolutely clear that our fee waiver request is 100% valid under 5 USC 552
Mr. Neuschaefer’s decision to funnel our FOIA request out
to eight (8) different agencies is an all-too-frequently used government attempt
to “snow” the so-called ignorant population. For all we know, you personally,
directed Mr. Neuschaefer to make that decision to re-direct responsibility away
from DHS and cover up an overt act by DHS.
For all we know, you approved those purchases. This is what government does when it
doesn’t want its negligent, or criminal acts known to the public, you know, like
Benghazi and Fast and Furious. It
is these kinds of actions by government that is why millions of Americans don’t
trust it anymore.
DHS has had ample opportunity, under the
time requirements of federal law, to answer our FOIA request, but has failed to
do so. If we have not received a
response to our very simple FOIA request from DHS by April 1, 2013, we will
consult with a national legal firm on our options to obtain the information we
have requested that, by federal law, DHS is obligated to provide. Or, we will file our own case in U. S.
District Court for the Western District of Washington. Either way, it will just cost the
government a great deal more money than if they had just responded appropriately
to our request.
The government demands that the people obey the law, or
suffer the consequences. We are
demanding that the government obey the law ….. or suffer the legal
consequences. The buck stops with
you Madame Secretary.
You might be saying to yourself right now, how dare this
ignoramus challenge our authority and our processes. Well Madame Secretary this is still
America. It isn’t communist Russia,
Mao’s China, or Hitler’s Germany.
Americans still have rights under the law and the government is
obligated, under the U. S. Constitution, to protect and defend those rights,
that is if they are true to their oath.
Otherwise, government is just an abusive, arrogant tyrant.
copies of this letter have been sent to major newspapers, radio, TV
and cable news networks and other interested
parties. .
We are under no
illusions that we could even get an answer to our FOIA request from DHS since
they won't even tell the Congress what they are doing. (See http://www.infowars.com/big-sis-refuses-to-answer-congress-on-ammo-purchases/) But we can't just sit back and do nothing.
If you care about
the survival of a free America, please join with us at the "Parallax Prophecies
Institute" to bring the citizens of this great country
back to being united Americans who fearlessly turn on their enemies when
threatened, foreign or domestic, instead of being divided, weak,
spineless Americans who are locked in the yoke of enslavement, pulling the
royal cart of government. Join with us as free Americans peacefully,
against a government that has become the enemy of the people.
Remember! If you fear government, they win and you are but a
Next week the
Prophecies column will take up the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), another in-your-face enemy of the people and
Sequester Cuts Scam: “An Oldie But a Goodie”
Senator Tom Coburn (R-Ok) has come out with what he calls “Back in Black: A Deficit Reduction Plan”. In this plan Coburn points out numerous places where millions of our tax dollars are wasted. But who else in Congress has looked at his plan? What leadership, in either party, has paid one second of attention to it? They ignore it because Coburn’s plan will actually benefit the “Clampetts” to the detriment of “Honest John Shafer”!!
This is our problem, America. We have a plan to cut $9 trillion dollars without cutting back on anything that is necessary for life in America to improve. We sit here and watch Obama, then Boehner, then Reid, then McConnell, then Pelosi, then the usual Idiot Corp of the government bureaucracy stroll out to tell We the People how much we are going to suffer. They are even worried about the Island of Guam tipping over. Oh, wait, that was last time. This time Maxine Waters said we were going to lose 170 million of the 140 million jobs currently in the United States. Again I quote the Aflac duck:” HUH?????????”
So, I am wondering why, when Sen. Coburn has this long list of waste items that can be cut, that none of these cuts ever get made? Why doesn’t either political party make even the most minor of efforts to remove this wasteful spending? Why is it that every time we come to this point, as we do on a regular basis, it is always the same things being cut, always the things that are going to cause the most pain to the lives of We the People? Why are we giving billions of dollars to Egypt in the form of Abrams tanks and F-16 Falcon fighter/bombers? Why are we giving arms and money to the Syrian ”rebels”, actually Al Qaeda, when that money could stop the closure of airports, daycare centers, free medical clinics, etc.? Compassion for the poor??
And, what about the billions being given to the United Nations? What about the foreign aid to Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia???? Don’t they make trillions every year selling us oil at preposterous rates???? These things can’t be cut but we can cut money going to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, soldiers and sailors serving their nation in far off lands? Come on America, don’t tell me you still buy this crap from these party oriented confidence men!!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen of America, you are being conned by people who only care about themselves; their power, their prestige, and how they are going to continue to rule us. Our nation is being bled dry; financially, morally, and Constitutionally by people in both political parties who care nothing about We the People, the Constitution, and the future of our Republic.
Barack Obama continues to fly around the nation at great expense. Nothing is too grand for “der leader”!!! No one in Congress,
Sen. Coburn has the answers to many of our problems right there in his “black book” but no one in the leadership of either political party will allow any of it to come up for consideration. Why does this go on if they are as concerned as they all say they are about the well-being of American citizens? Well, I guess the political class does have an answer, more government; more of what caused the problems in the first place.
This is a Republican Party problem; this is a Democrat Party problem; this is a political opportunism problem. Political opportunists in both parties are pitting We the People against one another. The political ruling class has joined fo
I wrote a few days ago about the need for a political party to represent the 67% of We the People who identify as TE
There is a light at the end of the tunnel still. I am proud of and encouraged by my fellow Americans who are stepping up now. The sheriffs and police chiefs who have pledged to refuse to disarm citizens are a breath of freedom. We need a wholesale change of perspective, to one based on The Constitution. I see it beginning at the county level with these sheriffs and their constituents. We can take this unity to Washington if we will band together in mutual protection, and support those people in Congress who will speak out for us. This is a call to action for YOU. Contact your Senator, your Congressman, and demand they get on board with this.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor his work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
March 8, 2013