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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Proof That Obama Is Stark Raving Mad

March 21, 2013 by

Our government-run public education system is very bad — so bad that generations of Americans educated in public schools don’t recognize idiots, economic illiterates, Ponzi schemes, frauds or Marxists when they see them. So I’m going to educate the masses with very simple examples that even a sixth-grader can understand.

Let’s compare America to your household. That makes it very simple and easy to understand.
Let’s say you make $50,000 per year, and you owe $250,000 in debt. You’re in deep trouble, right? One way or another, you are headed for bankruptcy court in the future.

Then you receive a credit line in the mail for $250,000. Are you rich? Of course not. That new credit line or credit card is not “income.” It’s a loan — to be paid back at high interest rates. You didn’t just gain $250,000. You just added $250,000 to your debt. You still make $50,000, but instead of owing $250,000 in debt, you now owe $500,000. You think you’re “saved.” Actually, you’re twice as broke as before. Insanity.

That’s exactly what Barack Obama is doing to the U.S. economy. He added $6 trillion in debt in only four years to “save” us from a terrible economy. Well, he didn’t save anyone. He just put all of us into much deeper debt. This debt will destroy the lives of our children and grandchildren. And the economy isn’t even better. It’s in shambles. If interest rates go up in the future, the entire U.S. economy will be destroyed by the debt
But there is one part of the economy thriving: the stock market. That keeps going up because Obama has guaranteed the richest fat cats on Wall Street profits by the billions — from you! Yes, you’re paying for the richest people on Wall Street to get rich. Obama is stealing $85 billion per month from the taxpayers — mostly the middle class — to buy bonds that no one else wants and to buy mortgages that no one else wants, which automatically makes the stock market go up. That $85 billion per month that the Fed is printing goes straight to the bottom line of the biggest companies publicly traded on Wall Street. They get rich. Their CEOs get rich. Their shareholders get rich. The banks and hedge funds get rich. And you’re stuck with the bill.
Once again, those trillions of dollars printed by the Fed to make the stock market go up so Obama can act like the economy is getting better are not riches; they are debt. They are loans that need to be paid back by you, your children and grandchildren. Insanity.

Even worse, can you imagine if the $250,000 credit line that came in the mail to “save” you, was issued by you? That’s exactly what’s happening under Obama. We are so broke, so indebted, so insolvent that no one wants to buy our bonds anymore. That’s why the United States, Europe and Japan buy 60 percent to 90 percent of their own bonds. Do you understand what this means? That’s like your being so broke, so in debt, that you lend yourself the money to pay the bills you can’t afford.
Can you imagine if you owned a bank and gave yourself a $250,000 loan that no one else would give you because you are unqualified to handle more debt? You’d be destroying your own future, plus your own bank. You didn’t “save” yourself or your bank. You killed two birds with one loan. Insanity.

How about Obama’s claim that he “saved” the auto industry. Once again, it’s a combination of pure fraud and pure delusion. He didn’t actually “save” anyone. He just grabbed about $100 billion from the taxpayers — that’s you — to redistribute to auto unions so their members could continue to get their obscene unsustainable pensions and then kick back $100 million or so to Obama’s Presidential campaign. It’s called “pay for play.” It’s fraud, and someone should go to prison.
And, of course, we now know that the loss to taxpayers is at least $25 billion and maybe much more. So whom did Obama “save?” I could save any industry in the country by stealing $25 billion from taxpayers and handing it to that industry. But the reality is: You’re out $25 billion, folks. That’s more debt for your kids. They’ll be paying the interest on that debt decades from now, and they didn’t even get a lousy car out of the deal. Insanity.

What if your creditors agreed to a deal to restructure your debt, and they offered you the following deal: You owe us $250,000 and you can’t pay it back, so we’ll raise it to $500,000 and we’ll all agree things look better. Well that’s the “fiscal cliff” deal folks. To solve a debt crisis, we added $4 trillion to the spending and debt, and the President and Congress declared it a victory. Insanity.

What if things got so bad that you finally agreed to cut spending to save your personal economy? So you cut $10 per week to try to repay your $250,000 debt. Well, that’s the sequester, folks. We cut a measly $80 billion out of a $3.5 trillion budget, with more than $16 trillion in debt. We accomplished nothing. Insanity.

What if you were out of work for two years, and you got so discouraged that you decided to stop looking for a job and spend the rest of your life living off food stamps and disability; but because you’re not looking for a job anymore, you no longer consider yourself unemployed? That’s exactly how Obama can claim the unemployment rate is “improving.” Insanity.

Finally, here’s the most bizarre example of all. You are broke. Out of money. You can’t pay your bills. You still owe $250,000. Collection agencies are calling day and night. But you love the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt so much that you still write them a check for $25,000. That’s what Obama just did with your taxpayer money. Insanity.

I hope it’s all clear now. The U.S. economy is now best described as a combination of debt, fraud and delusion. And the CEO who runs it, President Barack Obama, is absolutely stark raving mad.

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