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Thursday, October 6, 2011


Is This Why Former White House Counsel Robert Bauer Resigned?

Editor's Note: Re-posted with permission of The Post & Email.

October 5, 2011

Did someone create this image on a computer to make it appear that Obama was born in Hawaii when he was not? Does his birthplace matter in regard to his eligibility for the presidency?

To: FBI, Regarding Corruption by Public Officials

On April 27th, 2011 Barack Obama & White House General Counsel Bob Bauer Attempted to Defraud and Deceive the American People. This was a criminal act and I am writing to request a criminal investigation.

On April 27th 2011, Barack Obama and White House General Counsel, Bob Bauer, presented to the press and the American people, on the White House website and at a Press Conference, a document which they purported to be a photo copy of Obama’s original, long-form Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii.
They both made public statements on that same day attesting to the steps they took in order to attain two certified photocopies, from the Hawaii Department of Health, of Obama’s original long-form Certificate of Live Birth.
They used these statements to convince people they had posted a photo copy of Obama’s original long form Certificate of Live Birth on the White House website.
In fact what was posted on the White House website on April 27th, 2011, was a computer-generated document with multiple layers and was not a photo copy of Obama’s original long-form Certificate of Live Birth.
I believe an investigation would show that Obama and Bauer had this computer generated document posted and held a Press Conference, with the full intent to deceive the press and the American people.
They wanted the public and the press to think that what they had posted was a genuine photocopy of Obama’s original long-form Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii when in fact it was an attempt to pawn off a computer generated document as if it were a photocopy of Obama’s original long-form Certificate of Live Birth.

My research and documentation are attached.


Linda Jordan
Research: Obama Didn’t Show So We Still Don’t Know

More Fraud and Deceit with Obama’s Birth Certificate: By Linda Jordan

Obama and his lawyer requested two certified photocopies of his original “long-form” Certificate of Live Birth. The Director of the Hawaii Department of Health, Loretta Fuddy and the Governor of Hawaii say that’s what they gave him. But that isn’t what Obama posted on April 27th, 2011 on the White House website.
Obama posted a computer generated document not a scanned photocopy.
People are focusing on the fact that the computer-generated document has been manipulated and dramatically changed, pointing to forgery and that’s true. But the point that should be noted is that it IS a computer-generated document and NOT a scanned photo copy.

The Evidence: (all the documents I refer to are on the White House website or the Hawaii Governor website)

In a letter to Fuddy dated April 22, 2011 Obama asks for “two certified copies of my original Certificate of Live Birth”.
That same day Obama’s lawyer, Judith Corley, writes to Fuddy . Corley says she understands that it is the Department’s policy and practice “to only provide the “short-form” version when a certified copy of a birth certificate is requested” but that she is requesting “a waiver of the Department of Health’s policy, so that my client can obtain two certified copies of his original, “long form” birth certificate”.
On April 25th Fuddy responds to Obama. “I have the legal authority to approve the process by which copies of such records are made….I am making an exception to current departmental policy which is to issue a computer generated certified copy.”
What is the exception to the computer generated short-form Certification of Live Birth? To make photo copies of the original long form Certificate of Live Birth.
Fuddy continues, “Enclosed please find two certified copies of your original Certificate of Live Birth. I have witnessed the copying of the certificate and attest to the authenticity of these copies.”
On April 25th the Governor of Hawaii, Abercrombie, put out a press release supporting Fuddy’s actions: “In 2001, the Hawaii State Department of Health began computer-generating vital statistics records. Since then, its longstanding policy and practice has been to issue and provide only the computer-generated Certifications of Live Birth, and to not produce photocopies of actual records to fulfill requests for certified copies of certificates. ….Director Fuddy made an exception for President Obama by issuing copies of the original birth certificate…. “
“The exception made in this case to provide President Obama with a copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth was done according to the letter of the law,” Attorney General David Louie said.” (Abercrombie PR) Fuddy, Abercrombie and Attorney General David Louie, are saying that an exception was made for Obama and instead of giving him a computer generated document, a short form Certification of Live Birth, he was given two photocopies of his original long form Certificate of Live Birth.
Making a photocopy of said document does not turn it in to a “computer generated document” and scanning a photocopy into a computer does not turn it in to a computer generated document. Scanning a photocopy does not create the many layers that are easily seen on the computer generated document posted on the White House website.
The document posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 around 6:00 pm has multiple layers. No one is denying that, so it cannot be a scan of what Fuddy says she gave Obama because a scan of a photocopy does not turn it in to a multi layered computer generated document.
So we know that the posted document is a fraudulent document because it is not a photo copy of the original long form
Certificate of Live Birth. It is not what Loretta Fuddy says she gave to Judith Corley. It is not what Obama and Bob Bauer say he asked for and received.
On April 27th, 2011 Barack Obama and the White House General Counsel Bob Bauer led everyone to believe that they had posted a photocopy of Obama’s original long-form Certificate of Live Birth and they did not. This was a deliberate deception and their intent was to defraud the American people. (Bauer’s Press Conference partial transcript attached)
Where Obama got the computer generated forgery, which everyone can plainly see has multiple layers and many manipulations, originating from several different sources, is a separate question.
The point is that it was not a scanned photo copy of Obama’s original Certificate of Live Birth and that it was a computer generated document. Plain and simple this was a deliberate attempt by Barack Obama and White House General Counsel Bob Bauer to defraud and deceive the American people, a sleight of hand that should not go unnoticed by those charged with upholding the law.

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